Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Second Anniversary, LSL!

1. Those who visit LSL at its blogger home have seen the new temporary header. For those none so fortunate, see above! Ain't she cute? I wish my hair looked that good

2. Leaving Shangri-L.A. celebrated its second anniversary on the 13th. I can't believe it's been two years! The very first book I reviewed was The Van Gogh Cafe; isn't it crazy how much things change, but how much they remain the same?

3. A LJ comrade and I had a chat about bloggers, and she mentioned that she does not trust blog reviews in general because they are uniformly positive as a response to free swag. As such, I thought it might be a nice idea to explain the whys and wherefores of LSL.

The reason all of my reviews are positive is simple: I only review books that I love. Work and school keep me so busy that I'd rather spend time working up a post on a book I truly adored. All titles are purchased or checked out by me--although I admit that I have a few good sources for cheap books.

Criteria for review is a little more ephemeral. The books featured at LSL are chosen for something that will appeal to a Francesca Lia Block fan, but that something will vary from book to book. Qualifying criteria can include a quirky protagonist, decadent details, art and love as powers of healing, feminism, queer friendliness, magic, wonder, and really good shoes. I can't always put a finger to it--but I know it when I see it!


Anonymous said...

Totally behind on my blog-reading, but I hope it's not too late to wish you a happy blogoversary!

Also, I received The Chelsea Whistle via ILL today!

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