Saturday, March 3, 2007

Sing Her Stories Out Loud and Fearlessly Dance: International Dress-Up Day

Gala Darling, mistress of the incredible fashion and lifestyle blog iCiNG, had a dream:

I’ve been thinking about forming an Army Of Style. Or a Fancy Procession. Or… something. (It needs a good name!)

Basically, my idea is that one day a month, anyone who wanted to be involved would dress in a way which incorporated a previously decided theme. The ultimate aim, other than having fun, would be to take a photo of yourself “on theme” & then I would publish all the pictures I received. Instant internet fame!

The first International Dress-Up Day was held on February 18th, to wonderful success as young ladies the world over dressed as their favorite song: a "Claire De Lune" in blue petticoats, "How to Save a Life" with a skeleton tee and red glass spiral-y jewelry, and the webmistress herself as a Love Casualty, detailed down the bandages on her tattoo's arms.

Next i.d.u.d. is the 17th of March, theme to be announced. I just might enter, and you should too. The participation page has a ton of cool graphics, like the one above, that you can grab for your blog/Livejournal/MySpace and so forth.

Call me superficial. But when my soul is fully expressed by my body, she can leave her dark room, sing her stories out loud and fearlessly dance. ~Francesca Lia Block


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